Methods to Improve Productivity

Monica Huang
3 min readSep 11, 2020

There are times where I find it difficult to keep working when I get worn out or stuck on a problem. It’s tough to be productive when you feel unmotivated or discouraged. Here are some methods I looked into and have been taught about how you can improve your productivity:

  1. Surround yourself with people who work hard and people who inspire you. Look at their work for inspiration!

Heck, even go to events to hang out with people in your field! As a designer, I love to look at people’s portfolios to feel inspired. Not only do I draw inspiration from designers, but I also draw inspiration from many sources such as films, animation, and video games. You can find inspiration even from just talking to people and going to events. There’s a sense of energy that these events may have that you may not find in your work space.

Photo by Product School on Unsplash

2. Don’t wait for motivation

“JUST DO IT” — Nike

Sometimes you just have to dive in. Try working and focusing extremely hard for 8 minutes straight (restart if you get distracted at all). By doing this, you should be able to enter, “the zone.” Getting into the zone, is a mental state in which a person is fully focused and is able to continue and possibly finish the task without any distractions.

Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

3. Improve your motivation with inspirational quotes or videos. Keep a list of your goals in a visible area of the room, to serve as a reminder for you if you ever wander off.

4. Break big tasks into smaller tasks! It’s daunting to imagine that you have a huge workload to finish, but if you break it down into smaller tasks, they’ll feel less daunting!

5. Pomodoro Technique — break your work into 25 minute intervals separated by brief 3–5 minute break (try not to work during break, but if you do, see how long you can go without taking a break — you’ve probably entered “the zone”). Once you have finished four sets, take a longer break (15–30 minutes long). Keep repeating this until you feel like you’re done or have done enough work!

Here’s a online pomodoro timer that you can use:

6. Work at a cafe or at a library! Working at home may be too comfortable, but working at a cafe or at a library may feel comforting and quiet. The ambiance does make a big difference for productivity.

Photo by Praveen Gupta on Unsplash

7. Take a break! Plan a set time to come back to work. It helps to come back with a fresh mindset or a fresh set of eyes, especially when you’re stuck on a problem. However, this does not mean to put off your work forever!



Monica Huang

UX/UI Designer who is good at what she does and more importantly, wants to do good for the people. Has a background in design, 3D CGI, and illustration.